Step-by-Step Guide to Animated NFT Collections in Adobe After Effects

How to structure your animated NFTs? How to control traits and layers with expressions and dropdown menus? Download a script to generate a collection of any size in Adobe After effects.

Creating a 10K NFT collection became very popular. It is almost a must for every successful NFT project to have a collection of a similar size. There are different guides, including our own, on how to create a 10K nft collection of static images.  But what if you want your art pieces to be animated? How can you automate the process and be able to quickly create an animated NFT collection of a large size? This guide will cover exactly that.  

animated nft collection using ae

The Main Idea

We will be using Adobe After Effects * for animating and Adobe Media Encoder * for rendering.  We will import pre-created static art pieces to AE. Pre-compose all the elements that construct our main art piece. Animate them *. Then we will use dropdown menu controls and expressions to switch between the different layers of each trait. Finally, when all the connections are created we will run a script that will randomize the different layers for each trait and render each generated item as its animated piece (it can be .gif .mp4 or any other format available in Media Encoder).

Follow these  steps and you will be able generate an animated NFT series of any size: 

Steps To A Complete

Step 1: Create the Static Art

There are many ways to create source art for our animated clips. We can create the art directly in Adobe After Effects or use external software like Adobe Photoshop *, Procreate, or Adobe Illustrator * to draw the different elements and their variations.

In our City Drivers Collection, we will use Adobe Illustrator to draw the different parts that will eventually be animated.

Just like when creating a static NFT collection, we will start by drawing our first art piece with one appearance of all possible traits separated into different layers. Then we will duplicate the artwork and make modifications to each duplicated trait.

animated nft structure city drivers

However, there are more things to take into consideration when creating art for animation. Besides separating the artwork into layers that will later be used as traits, each element that will be animated should also be created on a separate layer.

Those are the different separated elements in our drivers collection:

drivers nft face structure separate art elements

The face is constructed from glasses, hats, hair, ears, cheeks, nose and the base face layer.

car structure for animated nft in ae

The car is constructed from top shape, bottom shape and wheels.

body structure for animating drivers nft in ae

The body is constructed from right/left arms, right/left hands, and the base body layer.

And here are some of the trait variations for them:

face with changing facial traits
different options for the hair sub trait
different options for the glasses sub trait
different options for the hat sub trait
different options for the nose sub trait

Step 2: Import into After Effects

The next step would be importing the art for all the traits and layers into After Effects. 

You can use the regular [ Ctrl+I ]  shortcut or just go to File –> Import.

Another method is to use the creative cloud libraries. This way you can easily make changes and those will automatically update in AE.

Step 3: Create a Composition for Every Trait

Once all the traits and layers were imported, we will create a composition for each trait and bring all the layers (custom looks) for that trait into the composition.

after effects composition for the different custom looks for a wheel trait in our city drivers nft collection

If some of the traits are separated into different sub-traits, we will create separate compositions for them as well.

For example, our driver’s face will have separate compositions for the nose, ears, glasses, and hair.

For the body, we will create a separate composition for the base layer, and a different one for the arms. The order of the different custom looks in both arms and body compositions should be consistent to be later constructed into the same outfit. That is because the arms will be animated separately from the body in the main comp. But as for trait logic, both arms and body are the same traits. 

Step 4: Create Animations

We will now create our animated composition. It can be as simple or as complex as you would like it to be.  

You can just put all the traits-comps into the main comp and add some position/rotation movements. 

Or you can make a final composition that will involve nested precomps. 

It depends on the final output you would like to achieve.

This is how our City drivers animated NFT final composition is structured:

comptoRender structure animated nft collection after effects

It consists of the animated car composition called “First-Piece” and the static bg composition.

The First Piece composition is constructed of several nested sub-compositions with animations for wheels, arm movements, the car tilts, and more.

car no wheels animated

Car Without Wheels Composition

car only animated

Car Composition

animated city drivers nft instance 01

CompToRender  Composition

car animation composition after effects
car without wheels composition

Step 5: Create Master Composition

This will be a composition that will control the different customization we have for each trait.

We will name it “Master Controller”.

Go to Effects –> Expression Controls –> Dropdown menu control and add this effect.

controlling layers trait in animated nft collection using drop down menu after effects step1

Rename this dropdown effect to represent the trait it will soon be controlling. 

Click on Edit Button (next to the effect name). It will open up a small pop-up window. You can now add and remove items. Add items to match the number of layers you have in the composition for that trait.

Step 6: Connect Dropdown Controller to Traits Compositions

We will start with the  “wheels” comp in our example project.

The opacity parameter will pop up.

We will add an expression that will turn the opacity of the layer to 100%, in case its index matches the selected value in the dropdown menu. If the index will not match, the opacity of the layer will be 0. 

Start with:

					var CurrentItem = 

Now click on the swirl icon and drag it to the “dropdown menu controller” you just created on the master controller. 

Add “.value” at the end of the first code line.

					var CurrentItem = comp("Master Controller Composition").layer("Master Controller").effect("Wheels")("Menu").value;


Now we will add the if expression. The final code will look like this.

					var CurrentItem = comp("Master Controller Composition").layer("Master Controller").effect("Wheels")("Menu").value;
if (CurrentItem==index) {100} else {0};

Select the opacity parameter for the first layer. Go to Edit Menu and select “Copy expression Only”.

This will paste the created expression to all the layers in the composition. 

Now you can control which wheel appears in the main composition just by changing the selection in the dropdown menu.

You will need to do this step for all the created traits compositions. In our project, we will have drop-down menus for shirts, car bases, car roofs, wheels, hats and hair, noses, glasses, ears, backgrounds, and hand gestures.

dropdown menu controllers to switch between different trait and sub traits in after effects
static background composition ae

Step 7: Run a Generation Script

At this stage, you should already have the main composition all the elements in it can be triggered by changing the values in dropdown menus on the Master Controller.

Now it is time to write a script that will allow you to automate the render process. 

If you are not into coding, you can just download the script and run it. 

To make the script work in your project there are few things you need to do:
1. Make sure the Maser Controller Composition is named "Master Controller Composition" and the Controller object is on the first layer in that composition.
2. Name the Main Composition you want to render "CompToRender".
3. Open Media Encoder [The script assumes Media encoder is opened, otherwise it won't work].
4. Render one instance manually using the render setting you want for your collection.
5. Keep the Media Encoder Open.
6. Go to File--> Scripts--> Run Script File and run the script you downloaded here.
7. The script will ask you what size of a collection you want to create. Enter that number in the field. ( Test rub first using a small value)

Download the Script

Step 7+: Lets Write the Script Together Now:

The script should handle several tasks:

This script will assume that Adobe Media Encoder is open and will preserve the render settings that were used in the last render.  

So before you run the final script make sure that Media Encoder is open. And make one manual render using a Media encoder with the settings/format you would like to be used for the entire collection.

This is the code of a function we will use for the rendering. It gets the composition and sends it to Media Encoder for rendering.

					function MediaEncoderRenderFunc(comp)
	//This function renders in Adobe Media Encoder while Media Encoder is opened, it uses previous render settings. 
	//So make sure you manually render one item to get the right settings, before running this script for the entire collection.

	var b_talk=  new BridgeTalk();
	var renderItem=app.project.renderQueue.items.add(comp); 
	var module=renderItem.outputModule(1);
	module.file=File(pathToSaveCollection+'/'+ renderCompName);

Now we will write a function for generating the collection. 

					function GenerateCollectionBasedOnSize(renderComp,MasterComp)

First thing is to get hold of the master controller object with all the dropdown menu effects on it. We assume that this is the first item in our Master Controller Composition.

					var masterControllerObject = MasterComp.layer(1);

Since we control each trait with its dropdown menu, the total number of traits is the total number of effects on the master controller adjustment layer.

					// Based on Traits = the total number of effects on MasterController

	var TotalNumberofTraits="Effects").numProperties; 


We will now create an array named “TraitsAndLayersArr” and populate it with all the possible options for the different traits.


	var TraitsAndLayersArr={};
	for (var i = 0; i < TotalNumberofTraits; i++)


Next would be asking the user for the size of the collection he wants to create:

					var CollectionSizeSTR = prompt("What is the collection size", "");
	var CollectionSizeINT =  parseInt(CollectionSizeSTR);
	alert("we will generate a collection of  " + CollectionSizeINT + " nfts ");

Now it is time for creating the collection. We will run a for loop based on the number you entered in the alert window earlier. 

					var generatedCollection={};
	for (var h = 0; h < CollectionSizeINT; h++) {

In that loop, we will start by defining the “obj[]” which is one generated item in the collection. Then we will go through all the traits and select one random option for each dropdown menu on the Master Controller.

						while((newItemNotFound) && (loopStopper<5))
    obj = randomizeArtPiece(TotalNumberofTraits,masterControllerObject);
	newItemNotFound= checkcontain(generatedCollection,obj);
					function randomizeArtPiece(totalTraits,masterControllerObject)
	var objRand=[];
	for (var i = 0; i < totalTraits; i++)
		var maxval= masterControllerObject.effect(i+1)("Menu").maxValue;
		objRand[i]= MakeRandomInteger(1,maxval);


  return objRand;


In the above loop, we used “MakeRandomInteger(min, max)” function to get the random number. This is the code for that function:

					function MakeRandomInteger(min, max) {
  return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min) ) + min;

Now we need to check if the created item was created earlier in our auto-generation process. This is a function we will use for that:

					function checkcontain(arr, obj) {

    var startcheck=0;
	for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
		for (var j = 0; j < obj.length; j++)
         if (arr[i][j]===obj[j])
		if (startcheck===obj.length)
			return true;
 return false;

 If the item was not created before, we will add it to our generatedCollection[]. and render it using the MediaEncoderRenderFunc() we created earlier.


		for (var i = 0; i < TotalNumberofTraits; i++)

The functions we created before received our render composition or master controller composition as a parameter. As we only know the names of the after-effects compositions we are using, but not their index, we can run a function that will find their index number in the project:

					function GetInfo(testCompName)
	//function return composition after searching for a function with the same name
var myComp;
for (var i = 1; i <= app.project.numItems; i ++) {
    if ((app.project.item(i) instanceof CompItem) && (app.project.item(i).name === testCompName)) {
        if (myComp) {
            throw new Error();
        myComp = app.project.item(i);


And this is how the main area of our script will look like:

var mastercompName='Master Controller Composition'; //If your Master Controller AE Composition is named differently you can change it here
var renderCompName='CompToRender';
//If your Main AE Composition is named differently you can change it here

masterControllerComp=GetInfo(mastercompName);//get mastercontroller composition
renderComp=GetInfo(renderCompName); //get composition that will be rendered


You need to combine all the above functions and the main area into one .js file and run it in After Effects. Alternatively, you can just download the script above. 

Now What?

After waiting some time for all the animations to render, you should now have a collection of animated NFTs you can upload to an nft marketplace

Stay tuned for new tutorials.

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