Featured Puppets

Ken – Businessman Puppet for Adobe Character Animator [Advanced]

Advanced businessman puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Comes with sitting poses, parallax facial movements, lots of facial elements, 3 body views, and more.

Ryan Male Puppet for Adobe Character Animator [Advanced]

Download this advanced puppet. Ryan can follow your movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations.

Aya Stylized Female Stick Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download this stylized and customizable female stick figure puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Aya can follow your movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations. Includes dozens of facial elements, outfits, and accessories you can mix and match.

Kevin African American Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download this highly customizable African American male puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Kevin can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations. Includes many facial elements, outfits, and accessories you can mix and match.

Bo Stylized Male Stick Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download this stylized and customizable stick figure puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Bo can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations. Includes dozens of facial elements, outfits, and accessories you can mix and match.

Alex Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download this stylish and highly customizable female puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Alex can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations. Includes dozens of facial elements, outfits, and accessories you can mix and match.

Daniel Stylish Stick Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download this stylish and highly customizable stick figure puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Daniel can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations. Includes dozens of facial elements, outfits, and accessories you can mix and match.

Gaya Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download this customizable puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Gaya can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture and perform certain animations. Includes 5 facial expressions, 5 haircuts, many outfits you can mix and match, walk behavior, 17 hand gestures, and 30 pre-made replays.

Nelson Free Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download a stylish cartoon puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Nelson can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture and perform certain animations. Includes 5 facial expressions, 2 sets of arms (front and back), walk behavior, 21 hand gestures, and 21 premade replays.

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